Open House

  • Meeting so many of you at Open House was such a treat! I am excited to start this new year together, and I know that each student is going to learn and grow so much! Below you can find a recap of some of the important informationĀ from open house.
  • Remind 101: This is a free service that I will use this year to text all guardians important updates. We all know that sometimes that reminder paper gets lost in a backpack, so this will give the whole family a chance to make sure you don’t miss grandparents day, the talent show, MAP testing, and anything else important! Click here to enter your phone numberĀ and subscribe for this great service or text @rdes4 to 81010.
  • Volunteers: I would LOVE to have help in the classroom (Friday folders, class parties, copies, bulletin boards, anything really…), and we always need help in the school building. If you would like to help in either of these ways please make sure that you first fill out a volunteer form! This is available in the front office, or I can send one home with your child.
  • Please take a few minutes to read through our classroom handbook. You will find very important information about things like the school attendance policy (which has changed this year). There is also every day information about things like birthday celebrations!